18th Century Italian Gaming Board


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Rare 18th century Italian gaming board “Nobilissimo Giuoco Della Mea” Or “The Nobel Game of Chance” in original paint and decoupage, (lacca povera) depicting a game which appears to be a board version of “Put and Take” with different characters representing either plus or minus points. Four corners with scalloped carved coin wells, the centre slightly dished for either a top or ball to roll within. Characters include: Scimmia/Monkey – put 6, Re/King – take 1, Vople/Wolf take 3 , Pascia/Lord – take two and so on. Other characters include, Cinese/Chinese, Colombo/Pidgeon, Crepascolo/Twilight, Armigero/Knight?, Gezelia/Gazelle, Adone/Adonis, Gonhiere/Gondolier, Araba Fenice/Arab Phoenix?, Vecchio/Old Man, Leone/Lion. A very similar game board is in the collection of the Medici Villa outside La Petriaia in the Sala da Gioco – The Game Room.